Swedish Tech News week 23 2023

Here are all the news that I covered in this week's daily newsletters, unabridged in one go; including 4 acquisition news, 16 funding rounds raised by Swedish companies, lots of industry news, 5 new Swedish tech startups, and much more – in a brief, compact style, so that you get a maximum of relevant information with a minimum of time invested.

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Swedish Tech News brings you an exclusive daily email newsletter with the latest from Sweden's startup & tech sector, curated by Martin Weigert. You'll have it in your inbox Monday-Friday 17:00 (5 PM) CET. Here's an example. Additionally, on Fridays at 17:15 you get access to a weekly newsletter including everything from the week's daily newsletters.

Also included in the subscription: List of new Swedish tech startups + shared Google Sheet with funding rounds.
Martin Weigert

Martin Weigert

Martin is the founder of Swedish Tech News. Every day he spends many hours gathering and curating the latest from Sweden's startup & tech sector. Contact: m@swedishtechnews.com